August 03, 2007

Tree Trunk of Trauma is complete!

...and it wasn't even that traumatic, well, maybe a bit, but I'm very happy with it- especially the drop-off at the roots, thanks to all who lent a hand.
I must get a photo of it, and send it into "What Tree Trunk?" magazine, I'm sure it'd make the front page.

Plenty of wood left over for the next big eejit of an idea...

Some clean-up also done around the area, also near-completed a singletrack section that runs down from Daggetts aerial anchors area alongside the chocolate chute.

Some clean-up also done from Daggetts path and then the subsequent forest section, which doesn't really lead to anywhere at present, but is planned to run down to the new singletrack section - this will take a fair few people with rakes a few hours to get done.

1 comment:

shane said...

tree trunk is all gone now